Special {Everyday} Occasions

Worry for today.

Fear for tomorrow.

Something with which to fill my time.

In the above box is where I find myself – too often. I fall into that pit. And I stay there.

I wallow there.


He woke up sweetly. Drinking his milk, he climbed into my bed and wrapped his sun-tanned arms around around my back.

You ready for your coffee, Mommy?

Daddy, time for Mommy’s coffee. She likes cream but no sugar.

Coffee down, body up.

Three-year-old boy ready to begin his day.

“I’d like a snack in a super hero bag, and we can put it in my backpack. Daddy is going to take me, and you can come too, Mommy. But don’t tell David. He’s too little.”

Toast and peanut butter and honey for breakfast. A probiotic drink for the immune system.

He was beaming.

He was going to school. Vacation Bible School.

For a boy who has been home with Mom his entire life, this day was as good as the first day of kindergarten.

Reminded of my own ‘adultness’ – that unspoken of characteristic that develops as hearts harden and dreams fade, I paused for a moment and realized how special this day was.

I got on his level.


We talked about every detail.


Celebrate random Tuesdays.

When I married Chris, this motto was one thing I loved about him and his family. It doesn’t have to be a special occasion – it can be merely a random weekday – to celebrate.


Daniel hopped into Daddy’s car. Off they went.


I’ll pick him up at noon. I will bring him the brand new super hero book he has been begging for. Maybe I can even talk his daddy into using some budget money for a dinner out tonight.

We’ll celebrate.

God is good.

He gave me life.

He gave me his son.

He gave me today.

They tell of the power of your awesome works—
and I will proclaim your great deeds.
  They celebrate your abundant goodness
and joyfully sing of your righteousness.

  The LORD is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger and rich in love.                 –Psalm 145:6-8

8 thoughts on “Special {Everyday} Occasions

  1. I think this is so sweet. When my oldest ( now 20 ) started kindergarten I was a single mom of 2 kiddos with limited amount of money. So i decided to take him to McDonald for an ice cream treat. This tradition still continues in our family. The first and last day of school we all go out for ice cream and talk about the first/last day of school. It is funny how even in high school/college they looked forward to that special treat.
    The ice cream is still McDonald’s for my 18 year old, but my little one always ask for Baskin Robins.

  2. Love, love, love that you savor and live in these special moments/firsts. So wonderful to think back on them with my own kiddos and so grateful that we are still making more memories and enjoying the “firsts” with them.

    Simple things/events seem to be the BEST treasures. Thanks for the reminder to be in the moment with our gifts that God gave us.

  3. That made me tear up. Although it doesn’t seem to take much these days. We have one entering her first hear of middle school and one starting her last year of middle school. It hit me again the other day that we’ll never again have one in Elementary school… and from there it is so easy to allow the mind to wander to the fact that in five short years Lauryn will be graduating High school… and from there the emotions just spiral. Your post is a good reminder to just take the blessings of today and celebrate them.

    1. It goes so fast – especially when our schedules are crammed. It’s hard to take time slowly and enjoy the moments, but SO worth it. Way more than, say, the laundry I could have been doing. 😉

  4. I love this! I have to constantly remind myself to celebrate the small things in the boys’ lives, because it is those small things that are the most important to them. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Beautiful! This moment is what we have to live to the fullest. Great reflection and I’m so glad you caught the moment in time to amplify David’s special day! That is a great mama!

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